Sporting Dynamite
Cheerleading Club

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Junior A Community Nationals 2010 PDF Print E-mail
Just like the Teenies the Junior A team had a tall order as well.  The team had to overcome a couple of last minute changes which meant that parts of the dance, the cheer and the chant were changed with one week to go. 

Although learning changes in one session is not that difficult, remembering that change and ensuring that you can translate such changes to a confident performance is not as easy as it sounds

Yes these are Junior A, yes they are older but they are children, some of which had not danced before June 2009.
This team are sure to go on to better things:
"They are exceptional for their age, well mannered, polite, and best of all, GREAT DANCERS and I honestly believe that they will be one of the the best teams at community level and with a bit more effort who knows possibly even Club or Nationals one day"
Alan Massey, May 2010

Sporting Dynamite Community Nationals Junior A team 2010

Megan Aston (Team Leader/Captain)Active Image
Natalie Monk (Assistant Team Leader)
Chloe Hitchen
Emma Williams
Devon Upton
Georgia Evans
Chloe Singh
Katelyn Walsh
Bethany Walls
Fraya Walker
Katelyn Edwards
Abigail Newman

Coach: Sereena Hunter

Well done to every one of you and in particular to their coach, Sereena
Alan Massey - Sporting Dynamite President
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